Popular Education

"No one educates anyone, and nobody is self educated; all of us learn from each other, mediated by the world we live in."

Paulo Freire

Mobile Voices Wins World Summit Award

Over two years have passed since a group of day laborers, household workers, IDEPSCA community organizers, Drupal Programmers, and USC researchers and volunteers came together to begin what today has been awarded as the best Mobile Content in the World Summit Award in the category of M-Inclusion and Empowerment.

The World Summit Award is the global flagship imitative on e- and m-content of the United Nations and its Global Alliance for ICT and Development (UN GAID), held in collaboration with UNESCO and UNIDO.

This effort has been transformative and inspiring. Our popular communication team, the group of day laborers and household workers who collaboratively designed the Mobile Voices Platform, wrote a statement together to express how they feel about the award:

“This is an effort of more than 2 years, where IDEPSCA’s day laborers and household workers, in collaboration with USC, worked collectively in a participatory method. Today, we fulfill our goal of consolidating Mobile Voices as a window to the Universe where the voices of those who for centuries have been excluded from the word can be heard. Silence has been broken and our voice was heard in a far away place in the Middle East. There is no work done in vain”

Winning the M-Inclusion and Empowerment award truly reflects the essence of the Mobile Voices project. IDEPSCA’s Popular Education Methodology has created the path for the workers to become subjects of their own reality. The workers truly live IDEPSCA’s motto of reading reality to write their own history. Their commitment is invaluable.

This award also goes to our comrades at the Los Action Network, who have been actively using the system to show us a window into their lives and their resistance to injustice by sharing their words, wisdom, and stories. Representatives from the Mobile Voices Team will be flying to Abu Dhabi from December 5th to December 8th to be presented to the world at the UN-cooperated WSA-mobile Winners’ Gala, Conference and Expo.

You can find more information by visiting: http://www.wsa-mobile.org/