Popular Education

"No one educates anyone, and nobody is self educated; all of us learn from each other, mediated by the world we live in."

Paulo Freire

City of LA : Keep Funding the Day Labor Centers

Friends and Allies:

The seven Day Labor Centers funded by the City of Los Angeles are in danger of closing their doors as of July 1st, 2015. We ask that you support us in demanding that Mayor Eric Garcetti include the seven Day Labor centers in the 2015-2016 fiscal budget!

These centers are more than just spaces for predominantly immigrant workers to seek work. They are hubs of leadership development, skill building, and popular education.

YPI have organized a week long of phone banking and tweeting efforts.

We ask that you CALL and TWEET Mayor Eric Garcetti

urging him to fund the seven Day Labor Centers in his city.

We also ask that you please post use the images on this page on your social media accounts (facebook, instagram, twitter).