Popular Education
"No one educates anyone, and nobody is self educated; all of us learn from each other, mediated by the world we live in."
Paulo Freire
Day Labor Project (DLP)
IDEPSCA operates four Day Laborers Community Job Centers in the City of Los Angeles :Harbor City, Hollywood, Downtown-Fashion District, and Cypress Park. Funded by the City of Los Angeles, the Day Laborer Community Job Centers provide a humane way to look for work and offer a learning environment through literacy, English classes and information about health, labor and immigration laws. These centers also function as a public safety alternative to soliciting employment on the street corners and suffering from severe exploitation and unsafe working conditions.
Current Campaigns : Anti- Wage Theft local/state/national
Legalization Beyond DACA/DAPA
Worker Health & Safety
For more information on the DLP contact :
Guadalupe Garcia, Administrative Manager : lupitagarcia@idepsca.org
Luis Valentan, Organizing Manager lvalentan@idepsca.org
Workers’ Health Program/Proyecto de Salud
Since 2004, the Health Program has holistically addressed the health needs of day laborers and household workers. El Proyecto de Salud, as workers more commonly refer to the program, has reached different worker populations including street vendors, youth, parents and their children. Being one of the few organizations with an in-house health program, we focus on developing health curriculum, facilitating health and organizing workshops, connect workers to necessary health resources and creating innovative materials that encourage communities to take an active role in their well-being. Most recently the program celebrated the graduation of the first generation of Day Laborer Health Promoters, a team of peer health educators prepared to share information about worker health and safety. As in all our community-driven projects, the goal is for health information to become a tool for organizing--where communities can advocate not just for the right to know the ingredients in household products, but also demand a toxic-free environment.
Current Campaigns : Right to Know (Statewide)
Creation of Worker Led Health & Safety Committees
OSHA Certification for Workers
Health 4 All
For more information on the Proyecto de Salud contact:
Nancy Zuniga, Program Manager - nzuniga@idepsca.org
Marcela Hernandez - Outreach Coordinator - marcelah@idepsca.org
Mujeres en Accion
With a unique focus on household workers, Mujeres en Accion is working with state and national coalitions on securing permanent legislation upholding the rights and protections of household workers. Using popular education, Mujeres en Accion recognizes that household workers are more than their jobs. They are mothers, sisters, and daughters with complex realities. Together the women meet weekly to develop culturally relevant curriculum and training materials while developing their own skills as leaders and advocates.
Current Campaigns : Building Membership Model
AB 241 (CA Household Workers Bill of Rights)
For more information on Mujeres en Accion contact:
Nancy Zuniga, Program Manager - nzuniga@idepsca.org
Carmen Goley, Promotora de Salud & Worker Leader- carmengoley@idepsca.org
Maegan E. Ortiz, Executive Director - maegan@idepsca.org